Financial and Business Guides , lessons from Nick Saban, what is a payday loan and how does it work, financial freedom, get out of debt, emergency fund 101, is a 401k worth it, assess your current financial situation, FICO, business and leadership.
What Is Thinking Clear Finance All About?
In 2011, I left what I always believed was my dream job. I was a Financial Planner for one of the biggest investment banks in the world and it became very clear that I didn’t know what I signed up for. All day every day I was putting peoples money (people whos only hope of retirement was this money) in investments they had no understanding of. After walking away, I became a Business Development Consultant. I worked with many struggling businesses and loved helping them find a way to be profitable.
In 2018, I had an experience that really stuck with me. I was at a Plant that I was in charge of and I got a phone call. It was a collector for a payday loan company looking for one of my employees. In talking about the call with this great man, I was astonished at how little this great man knew about money.
It’s not his fault, the system is set up to not teach us about money!
It took me back to my days of feeling like people had no one really out there trying to teach them how finances work without expecting benefits. I know there are tons of people out there saying they do, but those guys basically try to squeeze money out its readers in exchange for a “magic formula”.
I decided to create a blog about Financial literacy that was easy to follow, had zero influence from sponsorship and last but not least, wasn’t meant to make money by giving shady advice or promoting shady products.
This site will take you from knowing nothing about money to being an advanced investor and wealth builder if that’s what you desire. It can also just help you get a grip on your finances if that’s what you’re looking for. We will help you with any financial problems.
I hope you subscribe at the bottom and comment with your stories as this site is meant as a tool to help basic people.
A Little Bio About My Experience
My name is Andrew. I graduated from college with a degree in Finance and Economics and began work as a Financial Advisor for one of the largest Investment Banks in the world. I became a Certified Financial Planner, Six Sigma Master Blackbelt, ISO Auditor and earned my Series 6, 7,26,63 FINRA licenses to manage investments. I realized that I didn’t enjoy putting people in investments they really didn’t understand just for the sake of making the bank money. I transitioned to being a Business Consultant and have focused on helping struggling businesses. I have grown to know and help hundreds of struggling business owners and employees.
I have experience as an investment manager, real estate investor, retirement planner, and passive income expert. The focus of this site will be sharing that in very easy to understand articles. Financial Advisors cost a lot of money and are at times self-serving, my goal here is to give you unbiased free financial advice.
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